Fibromyalgia has many symptoms. However, three symptoms are the most common ones:
1) Chronic muscle pain, muscle spasms, or tightness
Even though pain can be all over the body, they are mostly located in area of following meridians: QuChi, FengChi, FuTu, JianJin, ShouSanLi, HuanTiao, JuLiao, QuChuan, ShenChang
Fibormyalgia can also have people with migraine, TMJ, tingling or swelling feeling in extremities.
2) Moderate or severe fatigue and decreased energy
Difficulty in remembering things or making decision.
3) Insomnia or waking up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep.
They do not have deep sleep, or quality of sleep is bad. Stiffness upon waking or after staying in one position for too long.
Acupuncture is very effective in treating Fibormyalgia with milder stimulation at the start and with building up patient's confidence of recovery. Treatment will be based on the pattern differentiation.
Herbs are also helpful. Normally used herbs are:
1) Liver stagnation: ChaiHu ShuGan San
2) Channel coldness: GuiZhiTang and DuHuoJiSheng Tang
3) Qi and Blood: GuiPi Tang
4) PMS: Xiao Yao San
5) Tingling extremeities: SiWuTang or Ba Zhen Tang
6) Blood Stasis: Xu Fu Zhu Yu Tang
7) KI deficiency: Liu Wei DiHuang
8) Reno sydrome, coldness: Si Ni Tang, DangGuiSiNi, GangJiang and Fuzi tang
9) SPLEEN deficiency: Shen Ling BaiZhu San
10) Supliments: Mg, Zine and VB6, hormones, probiotic, DHEA
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